We suppose you’ve been wondering where we’d got to? Had we retired? Had we succumbed to Covid? Had we been locked down so long we’d lost the key?
The answers are, in order, no, no, yes. For the last two years we have indeed been locked in Laurence’s cavernous wine cellar, and had to drink our way out. We downed the final magnum of Lafite 1953 yesterday, just in time to rejoin the digital world and make an exciting announcement – we’ve written a book, SHOOTING THE PILOT!
All right, we weren’t really trapped. We’ve actually been working really really hard. As well as our new book, we’ve written a musical to be premiered next February, and a feature film which we hope will be shot later next year. If that isn’t enough, we’ve also scheduled a national theatre tour – BLOKES OF A FEATHER – starring, well, us, talking about our forty plus years in showbiz.
If you can’t wait until next spring to hear about our wonderful adventures, then buy SHOOTING THE PILOT, which features the original scripts of six of our biggest TV hits, as well as an entertaining and informative (we hope) explanation of how each of the shows was conceived, developed and born.
If you want the inside stories of Birds Of A Feather, The New Statesman, Goodnight Sweetheart and Shine On Harvey Moon, you’re in luck, because SHOOTING THE PILOT will be available from next Monday at all good bookshops and some bad ones, or direct from Fantom Publishing.